had a fantastic dinner/dessert with gina and the novotnis. love me some dewey's. and some graeter's. so good. glad there are no calories on your birthday...
some more well wishers:
via snail mail card:
steve, becky and uly
via phone call:
dad and mom
via text message:
via email:
and in her first ever appearance in my email box - my sister, jen. yes she finally broke down after years and got a computer. now i can send her all kinds of annoying forwards...
an excellent birthday. thanks to everyone who helped make it great. now i need to head to bed - christina (my student teacher) is going to a job fair tomorrow, so i have to teach all of my bells. whatever shall i do...?
Now playing: Weird Al Yankovic - White & Nerdy
via FoxyTunes
Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.