sitting here on a beautiful summer evening, wishing i could leisurely sit back, watch the tony awards and not have to worry about having to get to sleep so i can get up at 5 am to head to school to give exams. but i cannot. and i know those of you who work in "the real world" have absolutely no empathy for me and i probably wouldn't either in your positions. doesn't mean i still won't complain about it.
i've discovered i can only take the tony awards in small doses. it's just too much for me. i love theatre and love the performances, but after a while it exhausts me. kept switching the channel. and now it's on in the background and i'll occasionally step in to catch one of the performances. but that's about all right now. might be different if i were part of that culture more often, but i haven't seen most of the shows and most of the speeches are horribly artsy-fartsy and over the top. maybe this is why i never pursued theatre professionally.
or maybe i'm just grumpy tonight.
it has made me think i might want to try my hand at play writing again. maybe i'll use owp for that. of course, i'll need some idea first. what that would be, i have no idea.
went to graduation today - walked from my house down the hill to the cintas center. first time i've ever been able to make it; usually it's over memorial day weekend and i've been busy. think i'm going to have to try and do it more often. great to see students i had way back my first year as freshmen graduating. the ceremony was well-organized and efficient - we made it through all 580 graduates and the surrounding hoopla in less than two hours. best part - after everything was over, the teachers lined the corridors leading to the staging area and got to say goodbye to the students. lots of hugs, lots of handshakes, lots of students i'll be sad not not see again (and some not so sad). fun to see students faces light up when they saw you, even if our paths hadn't crossed for three years.
so maybe this teaching thing isn't so bad, even if we're still in school in the middle of june.
the goal is to finish the journals tomorrow during the exam so i can spend tuesday afternoon grading the exams so i can pack everything up on wednesday morning. definitely doable as long as i'm diligent. and i should be.
ok, back to leisurely watching the tony's and waiting for my laundry to finish. here's hoping the week flies by...