Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

a couple of shots

took some time this afternoon and went down to the cincinnati art museum to get my art fix since the next art walk isn't until the end of august and to give me a chance to play with my new camera. below are a couple of the shots i took, coincidentally, both sculptures of eve.

Eve Disconsolate - Powers

Eve Hearing the Voice - Ezekiel

i was hoping to get a picture of another sculpture - Bacchant and Bacchante with a Cupid by Clodion - but it's either been removed or is in part of the museum being renovated. it inspired a poem of mine and i wanted a visual to go with the words. of course it's not one of the pics on the museum's website. will have to keep looking and hope it shows.

8:00 PM and i haven't eaten dinner yet. i want pizza, or something similar, but i can't get up the motivation to go and get it. could walk to larosas for a calzone, or betta's, though last time i had a betta's calzone was when i had my last gall bladder attack. being lazy and being hungry do not mix well.

i am full of depth tonight. off to forage for food. Æ

Now playing: Luna - We're Both Confused
via FoxyTunes

Friday, July 11, 2008


tonight, after discovering the one thing i thought i had planned today wasn't happening, i decided to bike up to steak n shake for some dinner and to try out my newly purchased bike rack and lights. while i was eating and reading from the practice of spiritual direction, i got a call from my friend andy. unfortunately, it was to relay sad news. my friend susan's husband died unexpectedly this week, leaving her with two young children to look after. i guess you never really get used to this, the surprising nature of death. my heart weeps for susan and her children. visitation is sunday afternoon and some of us are meeting at the high school to head over.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

i believe this, but then i'm not the one dealing directly with the loss. i hurt because susan does, but i cannot know the pain she is going through. but i trust God to surround her with those who can help. i pray for that.

i leave for denver in less than five days now. lots of stuff to get done between now and then. i have two doctor's appointments on monday and a hair appointment on tuesday. and i have to mow my lawn sometime before i leave. i've been putting it off so i can cut it right before i leave and let it grow while i'm gone. my only fear is rain will spoil my plans. guess i should check the weather for monday/tuesday. the goal is to head up to dayton on tuesday, see friends, spend time with the 'rents, and then get up way too early for my 8:30 flight. we'll see how well my plans work out.

it occurs to me that perhaps i should not be announcing to the world that i will be gone to colorado. but since i'll have people keeping an eye on my house, i'm not too concerned. not like anyone reads this anyway and those that do probably wouldn't break into my house. probably.

been spending my days watching the west wing. i figured since i was already tired of all the politics in the real world, i'd prefer to spend time with the politics i like. i miss the cadence of sorkin's writing. i miss the quirkiness of the characters. but i'm enjoying revisiting the bartlet years and it helps to remove the bitter taste of real life politics from my mouth. i'm into season four now and he's just slammed richie in the debate and won re-election. i'm not remembering as much from this season and soon i'll get to the later seasons when i stopped watching. why was that? oh that's right, i started teaching. silly me.

been playing with my camera - quite happy with my purchase. still learning how to use all the features and i'm not ready to post anything just yet, but might have a shot or two before i leave for colorado and if not, i know i'll have some upon my return. my favorite part is being able to delete shots - it allows me to play without wasting film. fun to see what different settings will do to the picture. not a big fan of the flash so far - i much prefer natural light when i can, though i know i won't be able to rely on that alone all the time. nice being a part of the digital age.

ok, time for sleep, if it comes. no alarm tomorrow, so we'll see what happens. seems to me six hours is about all i get anymore, not matter how early i go to bed. was in bed by 11 last night and woke up around 5 am. bleah. why can't i be normal? (insert your own joke here). night. Æ

Now playing: The National - Start A War
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


gave up after 45 minutes of tossing and turning and decided to come in and try to type myself into sleepiness. not sure it will work, but the usual things are not helping and i'm trying to stay away from pills, especially since my alarm will sound in about 5 1/2 hours and the pills are good for eight. brain won't shut off, body won't cool down, so here i am. aren't you lucky?

guess now is as good a time as any to get into that glorious discussion of marriage and divorce and remarriage i keep yammering on about. first, however, a disclaimer or two. these thoughts are ones i am wrestling with. i don't claim to have all the answers - heck, i'm not even sure i'm asking the right questions. but to paraphrase brother merton, i believe my desire to please does in fact please. the following thoughts come from my interpretation of scripture. i have no "word of the Lord" or particular insight God has provided and much of the time i wish i believed otherwise because, well, it would make life less complicated. or more complicated, depending on how you see it.

enough stalling. i just wanted to make it clear the opinions expressed below are not necessarily the opinions expressed Above and if you already have rejected the thoughts from Above, then you're not going to think much of my thoughts below.

i don't think that made it clear, but i'm going to go on anyway.

back in seminary i came to the belief that in some circumstances, God does indeed permit divorce. this came from a reading of the usual old and new testament scriptures on marriage and divorce, specifically Christ's words in matthew, Paul's words in corinthians, and the storyteller's words in genesis about man and woman and one flesh. divorce is never the ideal and always a last resort, but there are times and places where the most loving action for both parties is to dissolve a harmful relationship. the other belief i came to during this time was that while divorce may be necessary at times, remarriage after divorce is not permitted under any circumstances.

i realize this seems like a grace-less position. how can someone be held responsible for decisions made at a young age? how can someone be held responsible for decisions made by another person? how can someone pay the price for another's sin? what kind of God would punish someone like that? what about grace? what about forgiveness?

originally, in the guarded ivory tower that is academia, those answers came easily. the example i used to use went something like this: a person in a moment of poor judgment has unprotected sex with a stranger and later discovers that they have an std. will God grant them forgiveness for their sin? of course. will he take away the consequence of that sin? no. His forgiveness does not wipe away the human consequences of the sin. that person will live the rest of their life with that std.

i then would draw the parallels - yes, God is able to forgive the sin of divorce - it is not the "unforgivable sin" many churches preach, either explicitly or implicitly. however, the breaking of the marriage covenant has consequences and we must live with those consequences. which, according to my reading of scripture, specifically matthew 19 and i corinthians 7, meant no remarriage.

most of the objections i've heard fall under what i label as the "But that's not fair!" argument. it's not fair that God would punish both parties equally when the other was unfaithful/dishonest/abusive/fill-in-the-blank. it's not fair that God would hold us accountable for decisions made in the "heat of the moment" or in the " throes of young love." it's not fair for God to expect someone to remain single for the rest of their lives.

i think most of these objections take a weak view of marriage. they reduce marriage to a contract between a man and a woman instead of a covenant between two souls and their God. in many ways, my understanding of marriage is more sacramental in nature - it is not so much something we do (though obviously the couple has an important part to play), but something God does. it is He that knits the souls together. it is He that weaves two separate stories into one. it is He that makes the two one, transforms them into one flesh.

because it is something God does, we cannot simply break it apart. it is why Christ declares "the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate" and follows it up with "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery" (Mark 10:8-9, 11-12).

so while we in our humanness see a broken contract, God sees us as one flesh still, which is why remarriage is seen as adultery. the contract may be broken, but the covenant still exists. which of course is much easier to hold on to in the rarefied air of the seminary classroom than in reality.

i also see these objections taking a weak view of the single life as well. many of the objections see being forced to remain single as a horrible punishment, like being single is a fate worse than death. God wouldn't expect anyone to live like that, especially someone who has already tasted the glorious fruits of the married life. it would be cruel to expect them to spend the rest of their lives without someone, wouldn't it?

obviously, i have a lovely set of baggage to go with this attitude, being unmarried as well as celibate. but it's hard for me to feel much sympathy for someone who will be "cursed" to be like i am. though not intended, it sets up the married life as the ideal and the single life as the less than, even though Christ himself was single (no matter what dan brown says) and Paul wished "that all men were as I am" (I Cor. 7:7).

the disconnect for me occurs on many different fronts. i've seen God bless second (and even third) marriages. i've seen friends torn apart by people they've loved who turned out to not be the person they believed them to be. i've heard viable objections raised - what about the verses where Jesus says "except for marital infidelity"(Matt. 19:9)? what about Paul's admonition, "if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances" (I Cor. 7:15)?

it's circumstances like this that have made me revisit and wrestle with my beliefs recently. maybe there are times when remarriage is permitted. but the problem is, when? marital infidelity would seem the simple answer, but how do you define that? is it simply having sex with someone who is not your spouse? or could it be for emotional or intellectual infidelity? what about abuse - could that be seen as a breaking of the marital vows? who makes the decision what is a viable reason for an "lawful" divorce? do we need to make a list? do we deal with it on a case by case basis? and if so, what principles do we judge those cases?

and my own baggage confuses the matter. what if i'm questioning my beliefs, not because i think they might be wrong, but because by abandoning them, i increase the possibility that i may not be cursed with having to live the rest of my life single? let's be honest - the odds of me finding someone to spend what little remains of my life who has never been married are becoming slimmer. cutting myself off from potential dates simply because they've been married before smacks of elitism - i'm better than you because i've never been married.

and yet i can't shake the feeling that perhaps we'd be better off if we saw marriage as a truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. how many of us would take more time getting to know the person we're going to marry if we knew we only got one shot to get it right? how many of us would work harder at the relationship knowing if this goes bad, there won't be a chance for another? what if we saw ourselves as God sees us - as one flesh - and realized to tear that asunder wouldn't leave two separate souls, but two half ones?

ok, it's been almost two hours and i'm still not tired and i definitely haven't come to any grand conclusions. but the ideas are out there. feel free to disagree or even try to convince me i'm wrong. part of me would be happy to be convinced i'm in error. but only if it's to serve God's glory, not my own wants and needs. Æ

Now playing: Emmylou Harris - Plaisir d'Amour
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, July 06, 2008


not feeling much like getting into the whole marriage/divorce talk tonight, so you're spared my ramblings for the time being. and i have little purpose in coming here other than to see if perhaps writing will lead me somewhere tonight. been a remarkably lazy day. played for worship at church, came home, took a long nap, watched some west wing, went for a bike ride, watched some more west wing and am now here. why does my ride feel like the only productive activity i did all day?

i watched dan in real life last night. decent flick - steve carell was excellent and understated and i enjoyed watching the film, though i doubt the ending could ever have happened that way. the basic conflict is dan meets this amazing woman who turns out to be his brother's new girlfriend. i know i was supposed to be rooting for dan, but it seemed...wrong. is this just me? i've been told not everyone feels this way, but if someone is taken, that's it. you move on. heck, i've been in situations where i found out someone else was interested, not even dating, and i felt like i needed to back off my own interest. can't say i've always followed this, but it is my default position, which in some ways does seem a little silly considering i'm limiting my already incredibly limited options. but it doesn't feel honorable. not that that matters much nowadays i suppose.

been reading a couple of books on spiritual direction. the first one, holy listening: the art of spiritual direction, was a good introduction to the concept and some of the issues surrounding it. the second one, the practice of spiritual direction, seems a bit drier. maybe i'll save it for bed time, to help with my insomnia. just kidding.

weird...corey hart's "never surrender" is playing right now on my itunes. i was just singing this song tonight on my bike ride. so completely random. freaks me out when stuff like this happens, though i should be used to it by now. "so if you're lost and on your own/you can never surrender" come on, everybody sing!

or not.

i need a new fiction book to read. i tried using a couple of recommendation sites, but nothing caught my attention. jenna suggested never let me go because of my tendency to have organs removed. maybe i'll look into it...shoot! i just remembered i didn't remember to return my library books yesterday. i think if i get them in before 10AM tomorrow they won't be considered late. need to remember to take them with me to prayers so i can walk up and drop them off. kept thinking all weekend i needed to do that and, well, i didn't. anyway, if anyone has any suggestions, let me know. ideally, a paperback would be best for my upcoming travel, but i'll take anything.

according to ups, my new camera should be here on tuesday. it's in columbus right now, so i was kind of hoping it might find it's way here tomorrow, but with processing and all, tuesday seems like my best bet. no sign of the memory card, which is bad because i think i might have to send it back. looks like some of the features on the camera only work with olympus memory cards, which blows, but what are you gonna do? i'm not a big fan of this waiting part. i want to play with it now. at least i'll have it in time for the trip, with a couple days to play with the features.

let's see, plans for the week...we moved house church to wednesday so steve and i could go see hellboy 2 (he got free passes). plus it worked out better for john, so i don't feel so bad. we watched the first one friday night. i like the character of hellboy - reminds me of tom waits for some reason, if tom waits were a large demon-like creature from another dimension. maybe i just have tom on the brain. other than that, that's all i've got. was hoping to pick up a shift or two at the auditorium, but haven't heard word one from jack, so who knows.

well, no grand epiphanies tonight. guess i'll go try and steal some sleep. i'm hoping the ride helped wear me out. was going to take a pill, but someone recommended avoiding them, so we'll try to sleep without. night all.

Now playing: Willard Grant Conspiracy - River In The Pines
via FoxyTunes