Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

an evening alone

tonight i spent the evening in the company of myself. most of the people i knew were gone for thanksgiving or preparing to go over the river and through the woods, so i decided to invite myself out for an evening on the town. at first, i was reluctant - some bills came today and they made me a bit worried about spending more money (my student loan payment is now SEVEN times what it was just last month. beauty). but after much cajoling and whining, i finally consented. i headed over to clifton for dinner and a movie. the esquire runs a special on wednesday nights - $6 tickets and 20% off in selected restaurants. not a bad deal. helps me be a pretty cheap date (whole evening was less than $20 - and that includes dinner, the movie, and a waffle cone at graeters). read wicked while we...er...i ate. 100 pages to go. saw shopgirl, starring steve martin, claire danes and jason schwarzman (with mark kozolek thrown in for fun). seeing the movie left me with the same feeling i had after reading the book - a pleasant and sweet sense of melancholy. mirabelle is a lovely character and claire danes did an amazing job bringing her to life. and jason schwartzman was perfect as jeremy - so funny. steve showed his understated side (think the spanish prisoner) and wrote a pitch perfect screenplay (helps if you wrote the book, too). like the book, there's not much there, but you end with a smile on your face and that's more than i can say for many films i see.

to run and not be chased...

somehow i've talked myself in joining kenny and marissa for the turkey run with michael wilson tomorrow morning. yes, i know. i can't really believe it either. i figure with the meal i'll be eating tomorrow afternoon, best to get all the help i can jump starting my metabolism. it will either start a new thanksgiving tradition, or cause me to be immobile all day friday. perhaps both.

so no alexa, like i figured - snow is keeping her at bay. too bad - discovered where the art museum was today (thanks kenny!) and would have been fun to go, especially to see the album cover exhibit. plenty of time, though - i think it's on display until the end of january. which means i'll forget until the day it ends....

thoughts on waiting will have to...well...wait. must get sleep so i'm ready for tomorrow. no talking myself out of it. here's hoping i don't embarrass myself...
Tunes: sleater-kinner - oh!

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