Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Friday, April 14, 2006

'twas bound to happen

i was outed last night.

cast went out to hamburger mary's last night for a little "maryoke" after rehearsal. lots of singing. many adult beverages. and the best burger i've had in a long time. i even found a karaoke song that didn't have a four minute instrumental - weird al's "one more minute."

so anyway, we're hanging around, crammed against the wall my the masses of humanity gathered there and robert, slightly inebriated, asks if he can ask me a personal question. uh oh, i thought to myself. here it comes. been wondering when someone would finally ask. he was quite polite, not wanting to offend me. said he knew where everyone else stood, but couldn't figure me out, so he figured he'd just ask.

so, are you gay or straight?

finally. i didn't have to hide in the dark any longer. i could let the truth be known, squash all the rumours and wonderings. no more secrets. no more silence. i took a deep breath.

straight. definitely straight.

he apologized for asking, not that i really cared. i mean, in this day and age, when anything is possible, it's a reasonable question i suppose. and it's not like i give off many clues one way or another. or if i do, i certainly don't mean to. or recognize that i do. which is part of the problem perhaps. if it's a problem at all.

i found it funny. which is why i share.

am sitting at mms auditorium while the hindu society of cincinnati holds a fundraising concert for their new cultural arts center. supposed to end at midnight, but i don't see that happening. concerts still going (it's now after 11) and they still have food to eat afterwards. i could easily see this pushing 1am. contrary to my best intentions, i got no grading done. just not in the right place is the excuse i'm going with. not much sleep last night, between mary's and the party going on down the street and the thunderstorms that rolled through early this morning. hopefully tonight is much better. i did finish of the da vinci code. definitely a well-written mystery. as for the "reveations" the book gives, they didn't affect me much one way or another. raises interesting questions on what i might do if i did discover all i believed was built on lies, but not much beyond that. i don't doubt there has been corruption in the church throughout the ages - it is a human institution, after all. and i know we've lost touch with much of the sacred feminine in church history. but too many flaws in the theory proposed byt he book to take it as more than an interesting diversion.

candice and her friend amy came down to the 'wood this afternoon to walk through via crucis with me. good to wander through the stations, though doing so during the day definitely gave it a different feel. am hoping to walk through them again tomorrow night, before it comes to an end. some powerful moments. plenty to ponder. just wish i'd had more time to process it with candice. but there'll be time later.

no plans for tomorrow, nothing solid at least. a movie, perhaps? cleaning the house? a trip to lowes? have decided i need to buy a new pair of birks - the pair i have (which i'm convinced aren't true birks, but cheap knockoffs - 'tis what i get for using ebay) are slowly disintegrating. need a real pair, one that will last. will probably see what i find at the local birk store. i'm afraid the price might freak me out -but then, this is why i subject myself to things like tonight, right?

sounds like it might be winding down. i am so not getting out of here by midnight. alas. but at least i don't have to get up tomorrow.

allen just came in and said they just announced a ten minute intermission. this is my punishment for being greedy.

ok, enough for now. night!

1 comment:

ACE said...

The only "clues" you give off is that you are definately straight. Robert is just an idiot.