Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

unsightly, pus-seeping wounds

this is my life right now. i don't seem to remember having these problems when i've had poison ivy before, but probably because i was too busy scratching the heck out of it, which i'm trying to avoid now that i'm older and more mature.

i'll spare you the gory details.

being the slacker i am, i reneged on my plans to go biking. the only excuse i have is a mockable one - i didn't want to miss the world cup matches. sad, i know. at least today's matches were worth it - yesterday's were just ugly. am going to try and go biking tomorrow. i have an appointment with my insurance agent up in mason, so i have to be up toward the bike path anyway. will probably load up my bike and head up after morning prayers, making sure i stop early enough to cool down and take a change of clothes. not sure how far i'll go - there's a good 25 mile ride, but i'm a bit afraid that might be pushing it since i haven't ridden in a while. but there's a great place to stop along the river, which would be good and relaxing. suppose i can play it by ear - not like i *have* to do anything.

sent out a bulk e-mail about midsummer, only to discover a major typo after i sent it. little embarrassing, but i'm sure my friends will understand. and laugh.

tonight at house church we talked about birthing, trying to figure out where God is leading us now. we're at megachurch size currently and need to get back to simple gatherings. great discussion, good insights and ideas. will meet with julie and aaron tomorrow to come up with some sort of proposal. still not sure how this will work logistically, especially since jeremiah and sarah no longer can host. does this mean i should host in my house? i have the space, though not the furniture. and hosting and leading sounds a bit daunting to me. prayer will definitely be needed.

enough for now.

Tunes: matthew sweet - i don't want to know warning


stinkowoman said...

Send up a flare if you start oozing pus all over the trail. I'll come pick you up. With gloves. And big plastic sheets. And clothes to burn. Are we still on for the pops?

miz fuhrell said...

to encourage you, and prove that it can be done, there is a rich vc legacy of previous and/or current hosts-slash-leaders: mcbride, nixon, barr, hicks, rains, bowen, ferrell (worship leading counts, durn it), brock, barrow, bermudes....

Anonymous said...

I've been where you are. I recommend getting an aloe plant (or five!), breaking off branches, slicing them in half (cross-sections) and placing them on your sores.

When that heals them up a little, rub pure vitamin E on the bumps. Rub the vitamin E directly on any of the scabs or unbroken bumps.

good luck! Let me know how you are!