Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

slave to the grind

well, here i am again, babysitting the auditorium while oliver! rehearses in the background. got the call during fourth bell (around noon), about 3 1/2 hours before i was to report to work. but the siren song of easy money was too much to ignore. so here i sit - getting some grading done and watching last night's daily show (saving me from watching the tape when i get home).

seriously, i'm not this shallow.

ok, yes i am.

for house church last night, we went to the esquire to watch Jesus camp. a disturbing film. raised lots of questions about faith and how we pass it on to the next generation. actually brought back a lot of flashbacks to the camps i was both part of and helped to plan. not nearly as over-the-top, but the elements were there - the music to get the kids fired up, the message designed to play on the emotions, the manipulative opportunity for response.

wow, i sound just a bit jaded.

at the same time, i believe God can use those kind of service to truly change people's lives, to draw them closer to Him. and it drives....me....crazy. because God should only work in thurman-ordained ways - in other words, in correct ways. He shouldn't allow people to manipulate, He shouldn't use these places because, well, they don't fit my image of who He is. and yet He does.

She's speaking like a gibbering foreigner
Got a cripple in her clutches
Seems to float like a gaudy angel on strings
Over wheel chairs and crutches
I came to check it out, have a laugh or two
But I'm caught up in the fury and wonderI
watch the leg of the fat lady next to me
Grow several inches longer
There are rumors about the bank account,
Affairs and double dealings
But faith sneaks up like a mischievous child,
And you find yourself believing
I could be deceived, but I believe
That I just got a healing from
(does a miracle occur somehow in spite of her?)
terry scott taylor

don't get me wrong - much of what i saw in the film was disturbing and disgusting and sad. but i can't get away from the the passion i saw there and while it may have been misdirected, it made me question if i'm passionate enough about my own faith. i claim to be keeping my faith from becoming over-emotional, but maybe i'm simply hiding behind ...what? laziness? fear? if my faith has truly made a difference in my life, wouldn't i want everyone to experience it?

of course, that doesn't mean i'm going to force it on people. or start laying hands on a cardboard cutout of bush.

methinks i just heard a timpani sound, which shouldn't be because the pit band isn't supposed to be using ours until they get an insurance waiver. perhaps i should go check that out.

too much already. guess i'll have to write later about my further adventures in dating....

Tunes: havalina rail co. - green skies


Anonymous said...

I read a story about that movie. I'm kind of afraid to watch it. It might hit too close to home...

Anonymous said...

I can't help but picture you back there in the auditorium dancing around in circles with a python wrapped round your shoulders. "I'm a Slave 4 U." PS Did you mean to refer to certain issues of practicing/defending faith/God as a grind? A servant to the work in another sort of way?