Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

love one another

happy birthday, jen, my favorite sister. i still swear you're the smart one in the family...

maundy thursday, which angela this morning informed us means "mandate thursday." and our mandate? "Love one another." appropriate for the week, for if jeremy's life demonstrated anything (other than a refreshing lack of tact), it was this need in our lives to love and be loved. i pray this week will encourage us reeling from his death to take on that quality of jeremy's life - to not let friendship languish but to keep in touch. it's a lesson too easily forgotten.

i feel a need to scatter words to remember jeremy, but find my pockets mostly empty. in the meantime, read this and this, which capture much of who he was.

break is nearly done, what break there was. though honestly i cannot complain - i saw more friends than i would have and spared myself days wasted alone in my house. and had this not happened over break, i would not have had the freedom to go to the viewing and the funeral. friends are insignificant and irrelevant to the school - you are only free to mourn those bound to you by blood. at least i was spared this frustration, which i know many others were not.

i've not give much thought to what i would want at my funeral, but i know some things i do not want. though i despise it myself, i suppose there's no getting around my body being present at the viewing - some will need to see me to begin mourning. all i keep thinking is, more wake, less art exhibit. not sure how that's done - maybe it's all in the amount of alcohol....

and while i like flowers and appreciate their beauty and symbolism, i think there are better ways to honor my life than something that will wither within the week.

then there's the funeral itself. repeat after me - no open casket. if the casket needs to be there to give the pallbearers something to do, fine, but don't prop me up on fluffy pillows like i'm simply taking a nap. and since i'd prefer to be cremated anyway, no need for some fancy casket - again, money better spent elsewhere.

and this i cannot emphasize enough: MY FUNERAL IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU TO GUILT PEOPLE INTO SALVATION. i understand the desire to do this. i understand you have a captive audience. but this is not the time, nor the place. let your guiding thought be comfort in this world, not fear of what lies in the next. there is a better than decent chance that if this happens at my funeral, my spirit may return, ala the monkey's paw, and take those responsible to Jesus and let Him explain to you why it's in bad taste.

ok, i'm done ranting. sad that i can twist something like a friend's death into my own soapbox. i'm sorry, jeremy - you deserved a better remembrance than this. though somehow i think you might agree with most of this....

need to go put Christ's mandate into action, call some friends, show some love.

tunes: john prine - day is done


Anonymous said...

What? no love for Jerry's Kids?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and where's the BLACKJACKCASTLE blog on your links? I've added the links to our friends on my "lists" on my peronal page but I don't know if I have all of them. Can you check for me?

miz fuhrell said...

good call, brent. I was just gonna say - WHAT WAS WITH calling Jeremy "JERRY"??!?!? Nothing like that kick in the nuts at your own funeral. So you might want to add "get my frickin name right, dumbass" to your list. but you're right, thurmy. JJ would've just laughed it off anyway.

Brian K Reese said...

Jerry!!!!!! Our beloved friend, Jerry. He probably would have found a way to work "Garcia" into it.

Thanks for making me feel it was ok that I almost burst out into laughter during that particular part of the service.

Good Gravy, really, it was pretty funny. Jeremy would have laughed his considerable ass off.

I miss you already, Thurman.

Brian K. Reese (capital letters)