Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Monday, May 21, 2007

coming down

come words, confound this lethargy within my head. shake out these thoughts so i may organize them into some semblance of coherent speech. break through this block and help the words to come.

ah well. thought it might help. no such luck.

on the natural downswing after the highs of the weekend. spent time with my friend kat. finished midsummer. saw morrissey. and now we crash. and i don't really have the time to. now is not the time for wallowing (is it ever?). too much to do. post-production blues are a luxury i cannot afford right now.

and still i can't get my head to clear.

midsummer ended well - two great performance, excellent crowds, who seemed to love what we did. going to be weird not to see the gang for a while after spending so much time with them. makes me anxious to do more. falcon's a great company - wonderfully collaborative, good people to work with, good chemistry. you don't always get that in community theatre, unfortunately. i won't miss the sweating, but will miss the jacket. here's hoping there's some good photos of it somewhere.

morrissey last night was amazing. kat's a huge moz head and was giddy for most of the day, lingering about the tour bus before the show hoping for a peek. after people watching and commenting on the oddness of midwestern morrissey fans, we made our way to the balcony and our seats. kat was amazed at the lack of anticipatory energy before the show started and the relative cool reception the opening act received. seemed par for the course in my concert going experience - the opening act is rarely why people are there. ran into a lot of the aspects of concerts that keep me going so often - too much coming and going, too little space to move around, too many people showing up after the show has already began. the concert started and the audience in the balcony, at least on our side, stayed seated. at first i joined them, not wanting to be the annoying guy "ruining" the show for those behind me. but then the broke into "panic" and i decided, screw it, default position at a concert should be standing and enjoying the music. they don't like it, they can stand themselves. so kat (who had no qualms about standing) and i stood for the next 90 minutes while morrissey crooned, backed by a kick-ass band. very impressive. his interaction with the audience seemed a little half-hearted, but the boy can still sing. exhausted, we waited around to see if he would sign stuff afterwards. no such luck, but we were close enough to realize doug was wrong when he said he had a big head. a great night.

lovely to have kat around for the weekend. she helped quite a bit to stem off the inevitable letdown i get after wrapping a show.

need to get busy finishing the research papers - independent novel projects come in tomorrow, which means TWO major assignments i'll have to get busy grading. these last three weeks are going to suck. but it will all get finished somehow - it always does.

i know i have lots more to write about, but i have to go catch up on some correspondence first. been horribly negligent. more later if i find the time and desire.

tunes: friends of lizzy - if it's wrong

1 comment:

warmandsunnydays said...

Made it home. R&R Hall of Fame (this morning) wasn't quite what I (wanted) expected it to be, but there was a Clash exhibit on, which was pretty interesting.

I am TIRED now. Am gonna lounge about and go to bed early.

Thank you for EVERYTHING. You are a lovely host, and I loved seeing your world and meeting all your people. I'll be blogging shortly.
