Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Psst. Over here.

No, the other side.

Hey. Howya doin’?

I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced. My name is…well, why dontcha just call me VA for now. Don’t worry ‘bout not knowin’ me – I usually try and keep a low profile ‘round here. No use stirring up trouble if I don’t have to, know what I mean?

What’s that? What do I do around here? Now that is an excellent question. Been asking myself that one for years. I mean, all these friends of mine, they know. Heart’s up there pumpin’ like a motherfucker. Lungs, they’re bringing in, distributing to the rest of us. Small intestine, he’s takin’ care of the garbage. But me? I’m just kinda here. I get these funny looks sometimes from the others, like I don’t belong ‘round here. Doesn’t help being a bit wormy looking. And I gotta tell ya, it wears on ya after a while. Not like I can argue with ‘em, though. Truth is, I am a bit useless. It’s hard not knowing your purpose in a place like this. And I have to say it makes me more than a little nervous. I mean, what happens when the boss upstairs decides I’m not worth the potential hassle down the road? I highly doubt he’ll keep me around for nostalgia’s sake.

Like last week, I was talkin’ to the ears and they said they heard one of the other families had problems with theirs. Ended up shutting down the entire operation for a couple weeks to…take care of the problem. The worst part? The family didn’t miss a beat. It’s like no one notices he’s not there.

So yeah, I tend to stay out of the way. No use drawing undue attention to myself. Some things are best unseen and unheard is my motto. I figure I have a better chance of survivin’ that way. ‘Cause otherwise, someone might realize I’m not pulling my weight around here and…well…take me out.

Now playing: Peter Gabriel - Digging In The Dirt
via FoxyTunes