this week was a microcosm of everything great and terrible about teaching high school. it started horribly on monday morning with announcement for the staff to gather in the media center at 7:oo. this is never a good announcement. it usually means they have to pass along some tragic news so we're prepared to deal with students affected by it. this, unfortunately, was not an exception. our principal passed along that a body had been found in a pond over the weekend and that it was going to be identified as one of our students, anthony. i had anthony in my class a couple years ago - and i use the term "in class" lightly. anthony was far more interested in other past times than doing well in my english class. but he was fun to have around when he was there. great kid, horrible student. unfortunately, anthony preferred to escape from reality and ultimately it caused him to leave it. the odd thing is, in a school the size of mason (3,000 students), it made only a small ripple. his close friends were devastated, but the devastation didn't reach much to the others.
i went with bea to the funeral on wednesday night. so hard to watch students weep. this circle of friends had already lost one earlier this year. rick huff, our truant officer and ordained minister, led the service, and did a marvelous job of emphasizing the hope that can be found in tragedies like this. but his mom and stepdad took the opportunity to condemn his friends. i know it came out of a desire to spare their parents the pain they were feeling. but there has to be a better time to do that, a better way, than at the funeral.
anthony's death made the week a bit odd, the strange juxtaposition of death with the celebration of school spirit. i had a great time dressing up for the various days and seeing my students do the same. nice seeing some things don't change, no matter how the decades pass. it makes the classroom much more interesting and i think helps students to get more out of the reading we do. we had a good time acting out scenes from beowulf, though they're still a bit timid. at least most of them are. we'll see if they were actually able to learn anything next week when i give the test.
then there was the major drama of the week: seems a parent called the school and registered a complaint about the song "crank dat" by soulja boy, claiming it was too offensive for high school students to listen to at a school sponsored activity (here's the lyrics, if you want to see. good luck understanding them). so the administration, wanting to avoid a scene, decided not to play the song. and then all of the underworld broke loose. rumours flew, stating there was a long list of songs that were not going to be played, that the dj would only be playing wordless, techno versions of songs, that students could not get their money back. so the students decided to get fired up and went to the school board meeting to raise their complaints. while i'm all for student activism, they needed to think about how they were going about it. the school board has no say in this kind of thing and all it did was make the public aware of the songs that are being played at the dance, raising the possibility that there will be a list of banned songs next time there's a dance as soon as parents realize there are far worse songs than "crank dat."
dumbest moment: the student chosen to speak for the student body chose to end his rant with the following idea: why should one parent's complaint cause suffering for the rest of us. suffering? really, suffering? you really feel you're suffering because you cannot listen to a 4 minute song that you'll probably hate in six months? if you want to see suffering, maybe you should have gone to anthony's funeral. or turned on the news. or found a way not to look like an over-privileged, whiny teenager.
and of course the local media ate it up. my favorite moment comes from wkrc's coverage. they interviewed a couple of my students for the report. unfortunately, dan was dressed for spirit week and looks like, if you'll pardon the vernacular, a wigger, which only added to the hilarity for me. you also have a character dressed in red scuba gear dancing. we do so much right at mason - why is it always this kind of silliness that gets covered?
then today was the pep rally. i can't say i was looking forward to it - too many students, crazy logistics, abysmal sound. and usually the student body seems less interested in celebrating school spirit than simply getting out of class. but today was the peppiest rally i've been to at mason. andy and i had a good time getting the wave going and the drumline got all the students up and dancing about. we think they should hire the drumline to play for the dance and avoid all the controvery. it was fun seeing all the students having a great time. and they're so freaking polite - the administration got worried that the students might run over the drumline so they walked up to the students and asked them to go back to their seats - and they went! crazy!
was so exhausted by the end of the day i feared i wouldn't make it to the game and almost didn't. but got myself out of my comfy chair and drove back up to school. i met bea and we waded through the masses. as i passed the senior section they began chanting "thurman! thurman!" hilarious and flattering and embarrassing all at the same time. and, surprise surprise, the football team actually won (it's been a rough year for them). the only disappointment was the band. technically, they were excellent - sharp marching, precise playing, excellent formations. but you could barely hear them. and they had no passion. my high school band was half the size and twice as loud. but a great end to a great spirit week.
geesh. i need to post more often so i don't end up with these monstrous posts. not like i've had a ton of time this week, though. and i didn't even get to mention academic team and my first film club meeting of the year. see, i told you it was a packed week.
ok, time to try and sleep. or go and watch the hours of tv i have on my dvr. or both. night.
Now playing: Eugene Edwards - The Next Time You Go
via FoxyTunes
Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.