waiting...the gathering this morning was all about waiting, the major theme of this season. the already and not yet. the looking forward, the looking back, the wondering what lies ahead. we heard the words of isaiah echoed in the gospel this morning. "repent! for the kingdom of God is at hand!" this was the phrase that stood out to me during lectio divinia this morning. and i found myself wondering what happens if i get so used to waiting that, like john, when the kingdom of God does arrive, i begin to doubt if it's true? how do i know? Jesus's answer was to look around, see what is being done
The blind see,here's hoping i don't bury my head in my waiting and miss the evidence.
The lame walk,
Lepers are cleansed,
The deaf hear,
The dead are raised,
The wretched of the earth
have God's salvation hospitality extended to them.
"Is this what you were expecting? Then count yourselves fortunate!"
waiting...no contact from CMT about beauty and the beast. the longer the time drags on, the further my hope of getting in. won't be too disappointed if i don't get cast - as always, i probably don't have time to commit to something like this. but i have such a great time doing them, i cannot help myself. i wondered this weekend as i drove all over ohio if i would accept a chorus part - you know, third fork from the left or whatever. and i probably would. fewer rehearsals. more of a chance to get to know people. all a moot point if i don't hear back. patience, thurman, patience.
waiting...so last night on the way to laurie's party with brent, steve and angela i heard a horribly loud noise. i thought i had run over some road debris and as it rattled around for what seemed like an eternity in my wheel well, i wondered how i hit it but brent and steve and angela, who were only a couple of car lengths in front of me, had missed it. but it soon stopped, so i kept driving - only to discover when i got to the party that one of my new tires was completely flat. upon further inspection, it turns out that the tire didn't go flat - there's a huge hole in my wheel. huge. and the back end of my car under the wheel well is completely shredded. speaking from my own ignorance, it looks like my wheel gave out and blew - either that or i did hit some debris and it tore up the wheel and the tire. the amazing thing is i was able to drive all the way to laurie's on the rim with little change in how my car drove. of course, it means i have to buy a new wheel for my car. i tempted to blame tire discounters and force them to take care of the damage, but i'm fairly confident they'll be able to shift the blame to me somehow. "we only deal with tires, not wheels. not our fault the wheel went bad. and since it wasn't technically road debris, the $15.00 per tire insurance you bought is completely worthless to you. that will be another $500 please."
no, really, i'm not a pessimist.
so i have another monday afternoon of waiting to look forward to - waiting on them to fix the wheel, waiting on getting the alignment done, waiting on them to tell me i'm screwed yet one more time just before christmas. yay.
this is a lot of waiting. here's hoping it's not like exercising and that God isn't building up my waiting muscles for some major waiting ahead. not sure i can handle it. time to go check and see if the steeler game is over. i hope the waiting was worth it...
Now playing: Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - Fish In The Dish
via FoxyTunes