my friend angela wrote this for @U2. hard to believe it was two years ago.
anyone know where i could pick up some gopher wood? and just how big is a cubit anyway?
the piano has arrived. here's a pic from its old place of residence:
am hoping once everything is over tomorrow that i will be able to get the chance to walk through via crucis. thought about going the last couple of nights, but didn't. i'm a docent friday night, but want to go through on my own. so tonight might be it, unless i sneak in friday or saturday during the day. might not be a bad idea - see it both at night and during the day.
still need to find someplace to go for easter meal. mom and dad are coming down and i need to take them somewhere. no idea what will be open. can't remember if easter is a day restaurants shut down or not.
bed. night.
Now playing: Big Star - Back of a Car
via FoxyTunes