Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

i've entered the 21st century

i spent too much of my day online, researching digital cameras. with my trip to colorado swiftly approaching, i figured i'd better pull the trigger if i hoped to have it to use on the trip. did lots of research, trying to figure out what i wanted, what i needed, how much i wanted to spend. it's not like i'm a serious photographer - though i like to take pictures, i usually find myself too caught up in moments to take the time to photograph them. so i figured i should get something small enough i could keep in my pocket and pull out, instead of something i had to lug around in a separate bag. i found one i liked and decided i wanted to see it in person before buying, so i drove over to best buy and talked to their guy and looked at the camera. in the process, i looked around at some other cameras, ones i hadn't looked at online. the camera i wanted wasn't available at the store (plus, it was cheaper online), so i came home and looked up another camera i'd seen in the store. and to make an interminable story abbreviated, it was cheaper and had the features i wanted and liked, so i bought it.

my new toy

i know, i know. i was supposed to get a canon. but what i saw and read led me to believe this was the camera for me. here's hoping i didn't screw it up. guess i'll just have to wait and try it out. and i promise i won't turn this into a photo blog, though i'm sure there'll be more pictures than there usually are. at least there better be after i bought the thing.

as you can see, i'm still not sleeping much. i hate the machine and the pills ruin my mornings, so i'm kind of back at square one. right now it's not a huge problem, but i'd like to find something before august rolls around. we'll see.

more non-consumer, non-sleep related stuff later. i have all these thoughts during the day i think about writing down, but by the time i stop in here, i've lost momentum. i'll try to do better. Æ

Now playing: Southeast Engine - Pursuit of Happiness pt. 1
via FoxyTunes

ps i am loving the above band. found them through last.fm. see, good stuff can come out of dayton...

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