Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

please don't let that light be a train

essays finally finished. only three classes worth of journals left to grade, then the finals and then this seemingly eternal trimester will be over. i actually may have two classes with no one failing, which has never happened to me. nothing i did - just the make up of the classes. of course, my other two classes did their best to pick up the slack. i had several students scrambling today to try and catch up and pass. and while i'd like to bend over backwards to help them, the time for doing that would have been five weeks ago when i let them and their parents know they were in danger of failing, not the day before exams start. i feel bad, but there's not much i can do at this point, as their procrastination has tied my hands. and sometimes the hard lessons are the most important.

i get to call time warner tomorrow and express my anger and frustration at their treatment of their customers (ie, me). i don't expect much to come out of it, other than i'll lose my nifty new toy and have to go through the hassle of someone coming out to pick up my equipment. at least i have some sense of optimism left since i acutally thought i could believe them. or maybe it's naivete. not good.

still in a bit of shock from sunday night's BSG. this is what i get for not reading spoilers. totally unexpected. really not sure where they go from here. i had initial thoughts, but after doing some reading online, i suspect my suspicions are false. which is fine with me - never been one of those "gotta figure out the ending" kind of guys. i prefer to just let the story take me wherever it will.

i should try to go to bed, though i know it is far from me. did some grading at chipotle tonight and drank caffeinated pop to help me push through the final essays, so of course i'm completely awake now (which explains why i'm here). guess i could go watch the daily show/colbert report to try to unwind. not sure that will work. need to watch soon, just in case i lose my dvr sooner than i expect.

looking forward to celebrating the end of the trimester this weekend by seeing brandon and pomegranates at rohs street friday night. haven't been this excited about a band in a while. actually want to give them money to help them get their EP done - definitely going to bring some cash with me to make a donation on friday. looks like they're offering a tshirt, some copies of the cd and a hand colored picture. don't know if the offer still stands, but i'm willing to help any way i can. seriously, everyone needs to check them out.

also heading back to columbus again saturday morning for another brunch with college friends. unfortunately, i won't be eating, but the company is really why i go anyway. long way to go for no lunch, but definitely worth it. thought about hanging about for the rest of the day, but not sure yet. maybe i'll try to contact some of my columbus contacts, see if they're up for it.

fasting goes well - think my body is getting used to the fact that it's only going to get one meal a day. i'm definitely aware of the season, but have been a bit slack on truly seeking God's face. i'm hoping once the trimester ends that i'll be able to be a bit more focused. i'm wanting to get in touch with a couple of people during this time to pick their brains about this ordination thing - get a little outside perspective. plus, it will give me a chance to reconnect with some friends i've let slip through my fingers lately.

ok, really should at least try to unwind. hopefully i'll be able to be more consistent soon.

Tunes: pomegranates - nursery magic

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