been a while since i've used this notebook. currently sitting in a frigid hallway backstage waiting for act i to end so i can get into my habit and veil and become a bride of Christ for act ii. at first i wasn't sure about this play - it's a little out there and a little artsy-fartsy at times. but it's turned out to be a hilarious farce, and not just because it has men dressed as nuns (though that definitely helps). If you're reading this and are in the cincinnati area, it's a fun night at the theater. Probably not good for younger viewers (especially the end) but there's plenty of laughs for everyone.
it's always strange to talk about my fasting, as happened today at school. i'm afraid, i think, to have it sound like i'm bragging. my sacrificing at Lent doesn't bring me pride - it makes me realize just how weak i am the rest of the year. my students today pointed out how unhealthy my fasting was. quite true, but then that's not why i'm doing it. no grand epiphanies yet, though falling into the rhythms of the season has already helped.
i've been grading while i'm waiting backstage, just read a story by one of my students - amazing piece of work. such a mature writer. however, the assignment was due last december, which means she should only get half credit. but it's so well done i'm tempted to forgo the consequences. but iwll that teach her procrastination will pay off? i sometimes need to be careful of the hidden curriculum i teach my students. i'll have to think about this this weekend, figure out how to approach it. what will most help her?
another long day tomorrow, but at least i'll get to sleep in. i hope. here's hoping the team is well-rested and in good form. looks to be all guys - my other female-type cannot make it. been great fun coaching the team this year. next year will be even better since i'll know what i'm doing, assuming we have enough students for a team. must do some recruiting. ray cannot do it alone (well, he probably could, but be good to have some backup).
ok, time to get my habit on. more later, perhaps.
later. act ii, scene ii is on and i am finished. it went well - small but reactive audience. helped to energize us. of course, my wimple/veil fell off at the end of my scene, but i think it probably only added to the hilarity.
i had hoped there would be revelry tonight, but most of the cast is sick and everyone is heading home. for the best, i'm sure. there'll be plenty of time for revelry during the run when everyone is feeling better.
irony: today i was discussing Lent with christina and asked her what church she went to. turns out she's nazarene - attend springdale church. ironic that i agreed to hep mvnu because of my nazarene ties, but holly turned out to be non-nazarene. and so i'm able to help allen out and his student teacher turns out to be nazarene. funny how God works sometimes.
looks like U23D is around for one more week. will try again on Monday. Thought about doing it today, but figured it would be pushing it to try and squeeze it in. so i came home and took a nap instead, after watching my daily dose of stewart/colbert. always good to relax before the show - i feel it helps my performance.
babbled on long enough. the show is nearing the end and i have to put my veil back on for curtain call. three down, 37+ to go. here's hoping i find time tomorrow....
Now playing: Ty Tabor - Another Day
via FoxyTunes
Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.