Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Friday, February 15, 2008

the scottish play

so right before the show our illustrious director and billy in the show spoke the most terrifying word an actor can hear backstage. yep, he referenced the scottish play. i know many of you are unbelievers, mockers even of such a superstition. but let me demonstrate why it is verboten anywhere near a stage.
  • bunny's earring broke and fell off - no problems previously
  • lines were dropped that had never been dropped before
  • music fell off the piano and scattered about
  • our bananas got confused, thought we were at the end of the scene instead of in the middle and completely missed an entrance
  • bunny forgot to bring her purse and keys onto the stage ,which made it very difficult for her to give the little nun her keys
  • worst of all, we had the deadest. audience. ever. so quiet you could hear the flopsweat dripping from our brows
so thanks ted. thanks a lot. of course, perhaps it can't all be blamed on the invocation of the scottish play. the day seemed off from the time my alarm went off this morning. i hit the snooze the max five times, then reset the alarm to get ten more minutes of sleep. took my shower and still wanted to go back to bed. got to school and wanted to go back home, even though it was a short friday. even free folksong friday failed to fill my feelings with fullness of life. an inexplicable sadness filled me all day. didn't help that i struggled with my fasting today for the first time. i seriously entertained cheating. but i held fast (pun intended).

time for curtain call. more later, perhaps, after the revelry.

(later) or not.

Now playing: Jake Speed - Ben Franklin Screwed Me Over Again
via FoxyTunes