Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

attempting to be social

so i've taken the blog on the road again, to the bird to take in the open mike night. i had thought about participating, but i forgot about it until i was walking by before prayers and didn't have any of my poems with me and yada yada blah blah blah. maybe next month, though i'll be knee deep in final rehearsals so i kind of doubt it. someday i'll get the courage up to share my stuff in public - well, more than the virtual public of this blog.

spent the afternoon at aveda getting my haircut and the other various amenities that come with it. had the same stylist as last time, which was great since i really like my haircut from last time. i always assume they can just look at the last cut and match it, but i guess it doesn't always work that way. i ought to have them write it down so i know what to say when i go in. but alas, i never do that. always seems like a bad idea for some reason. silly, i know.

haven't really done enough relaxing so far this break. part of that is because i had things planned for the last couple of days. i am hoping tomorrow is a little looser. i have the pomegranates show to go to tomorrow night, but other than that, nothing. i probably ought to start by going to bed earlier so i'm not so tired when i get up. but that would take discipline and it's not something i want to be practicing on my break.

so what does the end of my break look like? i've toyed with several different ideas, but nothing is calling to me at the moment. of course, when it costs $40 to fill your tank, it makes you a bit reticent to go anywhere. i should try to take advantage of the weekend to head up to columbus, but i haven't talked to anyone up there and who knows if anyone is around. procrastination, thy name is thurman.

i think we might have figured out the whole house church vs beauty and the beast showdown. gina's going to check with the havens and see if they can move their dinner to wednesday night. so i might not have to miss hc after all. which is good. finally chose a study to use as we look into i corinthians. glad i'll get to be there for it - lots of good stuff in there.

ok, the time swiftly passes and if i hope to actually try and go to bed before 1:30AM for once, i need to head toward sleep. night.

Now playing: Ol' Dirty Bastard - Shimmy Shimmy Ya
via FoxyTunes