Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

another beautiful day spent in the hole

i really need to check the weather before i agree to work auditorium gigs. best weather of the break and i'm inside. ah well.

hard to believe break is over already. did what i was supposed to do - relax - but still feels as if i should have *done* more. gone places. visited people. been productive. perhaps relaxing is what i needed to do most.

finished off wonderfalls this morning. they did a good job of wrapping up the loose ends, which helped. good to see jewel staite again, though hard to accept her as an evil, cheating ho. she's just too darn cute for that. she'll always be kaylee in my heart. i can see why wonderfalls didn't last - another show too quirky for its own good. but glad i got to experience the characters for thirteen episodes anyway. i'll take that over years and years of dreck like everyone loves raymond anyday.

really need to stop eating food that leaves me queasy. far too much of that this weekend. probably should carve out some time tomorrow to go grocery shopping so i have something to eat other than the fast food i've been living on this week. funny how during lent i had little difficulty not eating for hours at a time, but now that it's over, i can't even keep a promise to myself not to eat lunch for a day. odd.

had hoped to spend a little time this afternoon practicing the chorus numbers for tomorrow's rehearsal. but alas, the cd i have doesn't play on any of the cd players i own, not even my computers. not sure why not, but i can't even access the files that are there. must have been made on a vista machine. or perhaps some mac. who knows. going to make dance rehearsal tomorrow interesting since we're supposed to be off book. guess i could spend the time learning the lyrics at least.

jake speed show tonight at 9:00. should have time to get there after MCP are finished with the set building. i'm hoping they pull out early, but i get there feeling they'll be here for the duration. good for my pocketbook, not good for my state of mind. of course, i may talk myself out of going - have the fear it will be very crowded in a very little space. will have to see how i feel in four hours or so. not sure what i'll do if i decide not to go. probably nothing. could go to the bird and see kim nixon perform, but it has the same drawbacks that going to arnolds has.

be so much easier if i actually liked people.

seems most of my week was spent shopping at half price books. my purchases:

Cyrano de Bergerac (Signet Classic)
Secrets in the Dark: A Life in Sermons (Buechner)
The Beatrice Letters (A Series of Unfortunate Events) (Snicket)
The Eyre Affair: A Thursday Next Novel (Fforde)
Thursday Next: First Among Sequels (Fforde)
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto
Dream Theater - Live at Budokan

and hopefully tomorrow i'll pick up (with a 50% off coupon)

The Personal Best of Monty Python's Flying Circus

ah, the joys of consumption. i also picked up Through a Screen Darkly by Jeffrey Overstreet. found it for 75% off at cokesbury. enjoying it so far. i became aware of jeff through my association with OTR mailing list. or was it the DADL? i can't remember now.

this is long enough. more later perhaps - thought about doing a posting in honor of jeremy's passing. we'll see. you are missed, my friend.