Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

weekend is almost here

sitting in the auditorium at the middle school, trying to simultaneously avoid grading and the community theater production of The Odd Couple, the female version. both are equally painful, though at this point, i'd take the grading over the production, judging from sounds emanating from behind the closed door.

done teaching for the week - tomorrow i get to spend the day at the white house (our curriculum space) working on stuff for sophomore year. don't want to talk about it at the moment and am not sure it would be wise to do so here since so many at school know about this space. though i certainly have some stuff i'd like to sort out - and i even toyed with turning on comments, just to see what people thought of the issue.

intrigued? i shouldn't say more, but know the issue is not uncommon in english education and one i don't think we'll ever get away from. i just hope we do the right thing instead of the expedient thing.

and i've probably said too much already.

heading out tomorrow night with the writer's group from this summer. will probably need the time after tomorrow's adventure. did i say time? i meant alcohol ; ) going somewhere new to me - habits over in oakley. read a couple of reviews. sounds like a decent place. and can't be as crowded as The Pub was last time. i just hope i'm awake. been one of those weeks - not enough sleep, tired most of the time. you'd think i'd learn you can never catch up. you'd think wrong.

B&B rehearsal went well this week. we ran act one for the second time - infinitely better this time around. helps we've had a bit more repetition lately. i know it's the way i learn best. act two is this weekend. need to spend some time practicing with the rehearsal cd (now rehearsal mp3s). i'm fine when we just sing, but not so much when we sing, dance and act. we'll get there. got some of our props this week, which, because we have no where to store them, become the responsibility of the actor. so i have a tray of the ugliest baked goods you've ever seen in the trunk of my car. glad the audience is far away.

other good news: the other corkscrew and i have been added back to part of "be our guest." they needed us to help move some of the set, so we get to come on for the soft shoe portion. glad we paid attention and learned it just in case. so no more whining from me about lack of stage time.

sounds like the play might be over. time to start packing things up so i can get home and grab some sleep before tomorrow. going to need it.

now playing: phil keaggy - baby blue.