Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

double yew tee eff?!

so last night during the artwalk i started to feel uncomfortable - my upper midsection felt distended and painful, my lower back started to ache. i thought i like i needed to stretch or something, but no position seemed to help. i made it home and thought sitting in the comfy chair would help, but the pain continued and intensified, so i did something i usually don't do - i decided to go down to the emergency room. i called kenny and he was gracious enough to drive me down to christ hospital. i went through the regular rigamarole and got inside, the whole time trying not to think about the pain, which didn't go very well. eventually they checked me out, took x-rays, took a urine sample and they came back with...nothing. but they shot me up with a narcotic (which i have to say was glorious), gave me a prescription for percoset, told me to stick to a bland diet and sent me on my way, telling me to call my doctor this morning to set up an ultrasound to check for some kind of stones. too drugged up to ask questions, i left, picked up my prescription, went home, fell into bed and slept for the first time in weeks.

so this morning i wake up, with no pain at all, and call my doctor to set up the ultrasound. the only problem? he's out of town. won't return until monday. and the office gave the impression they could do little about it. if it gets worse, i have the number for a doctor on call, but she has today off. now not only do i not know what was causing the pain last night, but i won't be able to find out anything new until monday. at least if the pain returns i have something to take - of course, if i take them, i'll be stuck at my house, unable to do anything or go anywhere.

can you feel the frustration?

i guess i just ride this out, go on with my day, see what happens. could it be something as simple as something i ate? but (how to put this delicately) everything i've eaten is still in my system. could the narcotic they gave me still be keeping me without pain? is it going to come back with a vengeance? do i need to cancel plans? grrrrrrrr.

ok, enough whining. off to be semi-productive until i go to get my car radio (hopefully) fixed.

Now playing: Barnabas - Subterfuge
via FoxyTunes

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