Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

waiting to get my door fixed

people who know far more than i do about garage doors are supposed to be here sometime in the next couple of hours to repair my broken door. keeping my fingers crossed that it's an easy fix for all involved. be good to actually use the auto door opener as intended, even though i'm trying to not use my car as much as possible.

i've tried several times to sit down and write about my experience teaching sunday morning, but the words aren't coming. all i know is the thoughts God gave me certainly resonated with many people there and the entire service felt knit together by God. quite a humbling experience all around. but i hope to write more later, once i find my words.

part of the problem - or at least one of the factors i can point to as being a problem - is my continued lack of sleep. yes, the machine that's supposed to be my ally in my battle with insomnia has switched sides and is now conspiring to keep me awake. this is frustrating since the reason i got the machine in the first place was because i was waking up feeling less than rested. now i still wake up like that, only it's from actual lack of sleep instead of lack of deep sleep. i'm going to give it one more night, which will make it a full week, and if it doesn't seem to be getting better, i'm going to call the doctor and see if i'm doing something wrong or if i'm one of those people who does not benefit from use of the machine. how i long for a good night's sleep...

still trying to find a rhythm to my break. yesterday i did four hours of yard work, in the heat, which meant i was a sweaty mess by the time lunchtime came and did not feeling much like eating. but i got the weeds pulled up for the most part and the lawn mowed, so there's some sense of accomplishment. but the rest of the day was spent recovering for the most part. today has been good as i've gotten some more stuff taken care of, but still i'd like to set aside some time for writing and for exercising and not spend so much time confined to the comfy chair. we'll see what happens.

of course, i would be more active without my latest adventure in time suckage. not that i'm complaining...

thinking i might need to go take a nap, which given my sleep problems is probably not a good idea. but since i'm not sleeping, i'm tired. ah, vicious cirlce, how i hate thee.

odd...i thought i had more to share. it will probably come to me later.

Now playing: The Seedy Seeds - Grace
via FoxyTunes

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