Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

we're running with the shadows of the night

This song has been stuck in my head since last night.

Saturday morning. My old friend insomnia stopped by last night and refused to let me go until well into the morning and then stopped back later just to be sure I hadn't missed him. Bastard. So I guess it's hotels in general I can't sleep in and not simply ones where I have to share a bed. Will definitely make this summer interesting.

A steady rain has moved in, which should make my trek to Philly much slower and moister. I'm meeting Gabe at Cafe Olé - hopefully it's not too crazy crowded and I can find parking with a minimum of hassle. I haven't seen Gabe since...just after high school? First year of college? I'm feeling a bit trepidatious (shut up spell check, it is too a word) about it. You never know what to expect. It's almost like meeting someone again for the first time - we change so much over the years we're basically new people. But I'd like to believe our core stays the same, that I'll be able to recognize a certain "Gabeness" in him. We'll see.

I'm reading Peter Rollins How (Not) to Speak of God. I already read his Fidelity of Betrayal and found myself challenged. Probably should have read this one first since I'm sensing it's more laying the foundation. Enjoying it so far, though I wish it were my own copy so I could highlight in it. May have to see about picking up my own copy soon. May throw some choice tidbits up as I read them.

OK, I should see about gathering my belongings up and getting them out to the car. Also need to stop by the front desk and make sure they take off the "safe" charge on my bill. Seriously - I get charged for something I didn't request? Suddenly I have "Master of the House" running through my head.

Next stop: Philly and the baptism of Evan.

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