Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

two hour delay

At least this time I found out about it before I was already at school. Up, showered and mostly dressed by the time I got the call. Happy for the extra time this morning, though again, it wreaks havoc on my lesson plans. Trimester ends in a week. Guess we'll see which students are reading the book instead of relying on class discussion to get the idea of what is going on.

Anyway, figured I'd steal 30 minutes here at the beginning of the day, see if my writing comes any easier. Not that it will matter, really - no way am I going to get up at 4:30AM so I can write. Which begs the question, if I'm not, does that mean I'm not a writer? A writer has to write, no matter what; will sacrifice anything, even sleep, to do so. I am so not that guy.

Funny moment: last night, while taking out the garbage, a bit of red and white caught my eye, just off my front porch. On my way back inside I stopped and picked it up. It was a Netflix envelope. Seems my attempt to mail it out failed because it fell out of the mailbox and then got buried under the snow and only now reemerged. Lovely. Surprised the mailman didn't notice it before, but I suppose he has other things to occupy his mind. Will drop it in the mailbox at the post office, which, after the first debacle, I've been doing with all my returns. Guess I should have checked when it first went missing.

Speaking of movies, today's our first film club meeting of 2010. Should clarify that - first meeting with (keeping my fingers crossed) actual students. We'll see who, if anyone, shows up. We're going to try watching (500) Days of Summer...again. Third time's a charm, right? We'll see. In other movie related news, our local Hollywood Video is going out of business, so I stopped by and took advantage of their misfortune. Picked up three DVDs for $20: It Happened One Night, Henry V and Playing By Heart. Probably a good thing I didn't have more money - could have been quite an expensive day.

Tonight's my dress rehearsal for playing Bob in Beyond Therapy. Have to admit, I'm feeling a bit of pressure. Dave's been doing such a great job as Bob and I have the fear there's going to be a bit of a letdown. I know, I know, must have confidence and it will be fine once I get there. Comparison kills, but hard not to do so in this situation.

Hmmm...time doesn't seem to pass so swiftly here in the morning. This isn't so good.

I almost jumped into the fray on a friend's Facebook post. He claims being a moderate (or "moderate" as he puts it since he doesn't believe they exist) and being a Christian is impossible and to prove his point, posted the following:

For all my "moderate" friends out there who think the "middle road" is the right path... "So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16 New International Version

*sigh* So why did I only almost jump into the fray? Because everyone else saw the post first and said mostly everything I would have said anyway. My friend Mike summed up some of my thoughts well:

1) You do realize the passage isn't referring to politics. And anyway, this whole 'political spectrum categorization' stuff (i.e. crap) is a construction of man (or possibly the Devil)--not God. Both parties take positions, endorse legislation, and espouse views that are not consistent with biblical teaching.

2) You're assuming that one can't be passionately moderate in their political views.

And I could have jumped in with a "Me too!" post, but really, what's the point? Not like posts like that actually encourage discussion. Two sides (well, many more than that, but in that world, there are only two sides - his and everyone that disagrees with him) screaming at each other but never listening to each other. Yes, you could say that about 90% of internet-based communication, but I guess I'm over it (and no, the irony that I'm writing about this on a blog is not lost on me). I've made my viewpoint clear and piling on more words only adds fuel to a fire that will burn no matter what I do or say. Feel free to question my faith because it doesn't fit with your narrow definition, but don't expect me to keep wading in just to give you the opportunity to mock and ridicule it. And I'm sure I'll be called a coward for doing this in my own space instead of posting on said person's blog or page. To quote Phil Collins, I don't care anymore.

OK, I should try to drive to school, get some grading done before students arrive at 9:15. If only every day was like this, I think I'd be a far more adjusted person. At least I'd feel more rested. Hope I can figure out how chop half an hour out of my lesson plans. So much for my hope of at least one full week of classes before final exams next week.

Might be back tonight. We'll see if I have anything worth writing about.

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