Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

waiting was a bad idea

See, this is what procrastination gets you, young people. 12:30AM and I'm just now starting my 30 minutes of blog writing, which means no sleep until after 1:00AM and a greater chance of saying something incredibly stupid that I'll have to either take back or explain tomorrow.


Day started with watching Caprica and Spartacus: Blood and Sand. I really like Caprica - I think the way they're "humanizing" the Cylons is intriguing. Not at BSG level quite yet, but it's well done so far. Spartacus...well, we'll call it a guilty pleasure and leave it at that.

The only thing on my agenda today (if I kept such a thing) before Beyond Therapy was going out and buying some new jeans. The crotch has begun to fray on the pair I wear the most and while it's subtle now, it will pick the most inopportune time to explode into a full blown hole and I'd prefer to not have that happen. I toyed with breaking my ban on Old Navy because they were having a good sale on their jeans, but after talking with a friend, I decided to head to Kohl's and invest in some Levis, hoping they would last longer. The shopping itself was less painful than I anticipated - didn't take long and I even found a couple of shirts. But the getting there and getting back was out of my own personal hell. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate the traffic in suburban sprawl? Bleah.

Speaking of my own personal hell, I've gave some more thought to the article I posted last night and talked to a good friend about it all and realized that the dating scene they described is not designed for me. It's designed for douche bags and the women that love them to find one another. I mean honestly, that's not where I would find the kind of girl I'm interested in. But my friend then asked, so where is the beta dating scene? Bookstores? Coffee shops? Museums? And they're not really scenes - though perhaps if I started to think of them that way, I might discover more opportunities...Anyway, I'm not nearly as sad as I was upon first reading it (and let's be honest, I am the king of hyperbole and most everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt).

My friend also brought up an interesting point: these men (and women) that go out simply to hook up for sex are looked at as normal. However, when someone who is married does the same thing (Tiger Woods), they are seen as a sex addict. Double standard much?

I think I'm a little in love with Elizabeth Bennet. No, not the one from Jane Austen (though I could definitely be in love with her too). I mean the one from Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Finally getting around to reading it. Brilliant. Simply brilliant. Fits into my enjoyment of all things mashed up. Not sure why it's been languishing so long on my shelf. Will probably finish it before the other book I'm currently reading: Blood's a Rover by James Ellroy. That one's taking a little longer to get through. Not because it's bad, but because it's a completely different style of reading.

First weekend of Beyond Therapy is over. Now comes the fun - playing a different role for the second weekend. First time I've ever done that. I've got some big shoes to fill - Dave does a great job in the role of Bob. Ted's done a good job of allowing us each to develop the character our own way - hopefully that won't throw of the rest of the cast members. Guess we'll find out on Thursday when we run the show with me as Bob. Little scary, I have to admit.

OK, I haven't written a whole lot here in 30 minutes. Fingers and brain moving a bit slow for obvious reasons. At least I get to sleep in tomorrow. Heading over to Taza to set up for Maproom tomorrow night at noon. It's focusing on falling in love with Jesus over Lent. Looking forward to spending some time listening tomorrow. Definitely could use it.

Though it's Sunday tomorrow and I'm not technically required to write according to Lenten tradition, I'll probably stop by anyway, if only to distract myself from the piles of grading waiting for me in my backpack. Until then.

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