Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

no more cold nights

no, i haven't found someone to share my bed (insert own inappropriate joke here).

i was going over my cinergy bill this morning while my students were down taking the PLAN test, trying to figure out how to get onto the budgeted billing plan because my bill jumped from $43 to $270 in one month. in the process, i saw a notice saying i had not paid my last bill, which made me concerned, since i knew i had set it up through bill pay at 5/3. so i looked and saw what the problem was. my last bill said $42.95 was due, which is what i paid. unfortunately, they moved over the remaining bill from my apartment (which was a frightening amount) and took the money i had sent in to pay down that balance. and then charged me a late fee for not paying my bill. i called to let them know what had happened, but of course, i was on hold forever and decided .64 wasn'tworth the hassle (the cost of the late fee).

ANYWAY, all that to say, my heating bill was only $70 last month, not $270, which means i can probably raise the temp in The Grotto a couple of degrees (it's at a cavelike 62 right now). it's the little things inlife that bless.

still no word from mr. canipe, so no idea if i need to be checking my bank account or not for souvenir/gas/ticket money. so shouldn't go. so probably will if the price is right (not sure whatright would be, but i'll figure it out eventually).

time to break out the snow dance - forecast is calling for 2-6" tonight. as with most things in life, it will all depend on timing. too early, the trucks will have a chance to clear the road. would love a snow day - who wouldn't - but i'm working hard not to get my hopes up. we are in southern ohio, after all, and if anything is consistent, it's that weather reportsare consistently mistaken.

but i'll dance tonight anyway.

tonight...rehearsal was cancelled, so not sure what i'm doing. probably grading. janet and some friends from the blue jordan label are performing a john lennon tribute - maybe i'll sneak out and see that - if the snow isn't too bad, that is. might be a good night to curl up with a good book or film and watch the snow fall outside the windows of MY house...ifonly i had a fireplace.

ok. must go. it's grice's lasagna day - one of the teachers fixes lasagna for the entire staff once a year. much easier when he started some 15-20 years ago - school was MUCH smaller. but he perseveres. glad to have first lunch - means there'll be plenty to eat. north beach, here i come!

more later perhaps.

Tunes: juliana hatfield and tanya donnelly - josie and the pussycats

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