Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

up in the morning

let's see, it's 10:11, which means i have been up for, oh, nearly four and a half hours now. not the way i envisioned my memorial day weekend beginning. add to that the inability to sleep last night until around 3AM and you have a good inkling of what my brain is like at the moment. on the plus side, the extra early morning hours have allowed me to get most of my laundry done for the moment. will pull my khakis and jeans out of the dryer soon, put in my whites and bed sheets, then head out to mow my lawn, which means i could conceivably be finished with the chores i set for myself before noon.

now if i can just avoid crashing too hard later today.

for the final friday with students, yesterday sucked. something attacked me, emotionally, and i was out of sorts the entire day. andy joked 'twas from realizing soon my students would be gone and i would be missing them. somehow i doubt it. not that i don't love my students, but i am anxious for the summer to come so i can refresh and recharge. anyway, i felt horrible inside, made worse because i felt myself inflicting it on my students, which they didn't deserve. ah well, 'twill be over soon enough. trying not to think of all i have to get done before tuesday arrives....

already i feel myself gripping time too tightly, watching it spill through my fingers. summer has yet begun and already i feel myself wasting it. i look ahead to the coming weeks and realize i have little planned, which somehow translates itself into doing nothing. which i know is not true, but it's how it feels. i have no trips planned, not now that i realize my hope of making it to nyc to see doug has evaporated (sorry anne. just can't make the timing or the fundage work). so what will i do with my time? right now i depend on making it into shakespeare in sharonville, which i am confident will happen. the question is which role will i play. at least it will take up some of my time, keep me from being a complete sluggard for the summer months. and as nature abhors a vacuum, i know the space will eventually be filled one way or another. i only pray it is with meaningful activity - or non-activity as the case may be.

ali's party is tonight, which will be a wonderful way to spend the evening. here's hoping social thurm shows up and not his melancholy, introverted twin. sounds like 'twould be easy to control, but 'tis not. nappage may be needed to insure the necessary energy. if only i had my hammock....perhaps i should journey to sam's, which i need to do anyway as i am dangerously low on toilet paper and soap.

dryer time. must remove so they don't wrinkle. then mow mow mow. here's to enjoying a glorious day.

Tunes: teenage fanclub - sharky's dream

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