Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

how quickly the morning steals away

i had so little planned for today. and that is exactly what i have accomplished so far.

who would have guessed the simple matter of naming objects would cause so much discussion. most comments i've ever had. thank goodness it was on something of such eternal consequence. anyway, after pondering and getting a sense of her, my new computer's name evermore shall be:


now we can move on to the more important issue: am i truly bonkers?

have at it.

spent the morning reading nt wright - have heard much about him, but never really read anything by him. found this website and read several of the articles compiled there. good, challenging stuff. especially liked his focus on imagination and creativity - folds in well with some of my own thoughts lately (which i may someday share here, if i can ever get them to stay still long enough). if you've never read him, you should. his views on christianity, the church, the world are refreshing.

other than that, i've done little else. need to go mow my lawn, i suppose, though i kind of like its rough and tumble look. my neighbors may not agree.

does it frighten anyone else that the best sound system i now have in my house is the one attached to my computer? seriously, it is amazing. the sound is only up 10% and i worry about my neighbors complaining. and i now can play my mp3 player (rory) through my computer, which has been great.

table talk tonight for the rude mechanicals. i have a good idea of bottom, but am curious to see what else will come out of this process. then afterwards i will head down to the-grill-formerly-known-as-hamburger-mary's to catch up with some chess friends. maybe do a little karaoke. make a little love. get down tonight.

bsg or mow...bsg or mow...bsg or mow...ah the eternal questions of summer.

thanks to all who commented yesterday - was great to know there are people out there using my meanderings to break up the monotony of their day. every little bit helps.

Tunes: elvis costello - veronica


miz fuhrell said...

i would go as far as calling you BONKERS, but what if you meet the love of your life and her name is veronica or brumhilda, or whatever the rest of those things are named...

"oh, wow, your name is genevieve??? my TOILET is named genevieve!!!"

now THAT could be awkward...

miz fuhrell said...

I mean I WOULD NOT call you bonkers...I don't think you are....

Anonymous said...

WooHoo! I win! Suck blog all you pathetic losers! I love the choice of Veronica. I just hope your wallpaper/screensaver is Kristen Bell and NOT Elvis Costello.
There is one problem... What if your computer is REALLY a "betty"?
My work computer is named "junior". It's an IBM and my original PC is an IBM. My first three cars were all "flash mobiles".
Just ask yourself, who is more pathetic? The bloggers, or the blogger who thinks he won something?

Anonymous said...


10) Declan
09) Logan
08) Frank
07) Marley
06) Duncan
05) Spike
04) Jimmy
03) Wallace
02) Keith
01) Archie
