Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Friday, August 18, 2006

i almost died twice this week

ok, maybe not death, but at the very least, severe injury. i've decided cincy is the most un-bikefriendly city in the world. combine cyclists who don't know what they're doing, with people that barely know how to drive and certainly have no idea how to drive around cyclists, stir and you have almost certain mayhem. my first experience was monday - i had ridden my bike to oakley library to pick up some books and then to norwood library for some more. on my way down allison, i signaled that i would be turning left onto courtland. a large black pick up pulled up at the stop sign and stopped. i don't know if they didn't see me or didn't know i was signaling to turn left (i mean, what can i expect, most people in cincy don't know how to use the turn signals in their own cars, much less the proper signals for a bicycle), but as i made my turn, they began to pull out, coming within inches of running me over. left me a little frustrated, little shocked. nothing like an adrenaline rush at the end of a ride.

then yesterday, i decided to ride to mariemont because, well, i've been feeling sedentary this week and wanted to shake off some of the malaise i'd been feeling. i followed mapquest directions to rt 50 and while i was heading into mariemont, i hit a stretch of road where some paving work had recently been done. unfortunately, it didn't reach all the way to the curb, and as i avoided a sewer grate, my tires caught the groove, which nearly sent me sprawling into the traffic coming up behind me. scary, scary moment. made me long for the bike path (which is one of the reasons i wanted to bike to mariemont, to find the best route to getting to the bike path in milford. not sure i've found it yet, but i hope i get the chance to ride out there before summer is gone).

and summer is quickly fading. technically, i still have two full weeks before we start back up, but those days are already filled with stuff. monday i leave for gethsemani for some solitude and time to process before the school year starts. looking forward to hearing what God has to say and where He is leading. after the scattered nature of this summer, i'm hoping for a little focus.

still no idea when i'm leaving for the reunion tomorrow or if i'll be heading out with the 'rents or not. get the feeling i'm just going to have to drive up on my own. i mean, what's another $50 in gas, right?

had breakfast with steve this morning after prayers. interesting conversation about drugs, parenthood, sex and dating (separate parts, not all together - that would just be weird). he gave some good advice on the whole online dating thing, which i still haven't completely followed through with. still stuck on the "ad" portion. never been very good at selling things. i just need to do something - not like i can't alter it later (heh. don't you love anagrams?).

enough rambling. only solid thing on the agenda today is the cookout tonight at the brownhouse - first time i've been able to go. also need to download my monthly songs from emusic before they expire on sunday. was going to cancel after this month, but have decided to go one more month. want to pick up the decemberists and possibly the new leigh nash. we'll see.

Tunes: new order - krafty


ACE said...

Thurm- do the online thing. I did it for a few months before I met Rob (we, however, did not meet online). Even if you don't find "the one" it's a great way to meet people. I still have a very dear friend I met through an online service 7 years ago. We never felt any romantic feelings for each other, but realized we were great friends instead. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

T-man. Cyclists in Colorado are demi-gods. I wonder what you can do in Cincy to influence the culture--what kind of community initiatives are possible? Already exist and need more support?

PS Talk to random women in the grocery store. The book store. Wherever. Just say hello. Acknowledge something about them or their behavior with a comment (beware of compliments as an introduction... some women feel uncomfortable/affronted/creeped out by it. Too obviously forward for some.). For example, they're looking at US magazine while they wait in the checkout line. If you've got something funny/clever to say about the cover story or to note a common interest in the gossiphe or to say, I think it's interesting how celebrities are bringing more care and attention to the famine and destitution in Africa than politicians. Whatever you feel like. A) You've just talked to a female stranger. Good practice. And B)You've just talked to a female stranger, and they can remain a stranger if they so choose. Nothing to lose.

Let me know if you need help marketing your online identity! :) I'm very good at selling things.

stinkowoman said...

You have nothing to lose in the online thing.I know its a leap to "sell" and along with that, have the courage to deal with people who have no interest in "buying," but it really is a healthy way just to expand your horizons, since no one in your sphere seems worthy of pursuing...

Dude. Glad you're not dead. Maybe you should wear something flashy when you ride so people see you! Hot pink?