Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

there should be a law

no motorized yard work before 9:00AM. i actually would prefer before 10:00, but i'm willing to make concessions. makes me want to stick my speakers in my window and blast my hairband mix.

sorry, not much sleep last night.

for the curious, i've gotten over the review. as was pointed out, it's one guy and he was predisposed not to like the show. and my lack of mention tells me nothing of my performance - though my reaction tells me quite a bit about my own insecurities. but i suppose if i didn't care about my performance, i wouldn't be much of an actor.

rehearsal thursday was a bit subdued, but we kicked the heck out of it last night. some of the cast felt the audience was a bit unresponsive, but i didn't feel that at all. and everyone said they enjoyed it. susie came down from westerville to see the show and brought some of her youth group peeps with her. chris was there, too - good to see them both. great when friends come to see you. will have more tonight. which reminds me, i need to do some cleaning.

trying to decide if i should go see spiderman 3 today or not. there's a show at 12:30, which would put me home by 3:30 - plenty of time to grab a nap before i have to head down to the show. not in a huge hurry to see it - pretty sure i'm going to be disappointed since most of the negatives i've heard are my pet peeves about big budget movies. but i'd like to make the judgment for myself. of course, if i don't go, it means i could spend more time in my hammock - and it looks to be a perfect day for that.

been reading palahnuik's latest - rant. the main character reminds me of Grenouille from perfume - some similar oddities. i love chuck and his willingness to stare at the grotesque with a smirk. it's actually quite a horrible story - a man responsible for spreading a virulent form of rabies throughout the world - but it's told as an oral history, meaning you get the story from several viewpoints, some not trustworthy. i found it, remarkably, at the norwood library. good read so far, though i feel a bit guilty since i should be grading papers.

damn. i told myself i wouldn't think about that today.

been listening non-stop the last week to the the hold steady, especially their cd separation sunday, which i borrowed from kurt. great stuff and perfect for the onset of summer. they're performing at southgate monday night and i would love to go, but i get the sense my need to get grading done will outweigh my need to see them. ah well, my own fault for not being more diligent. but i've been a bit distracted, what with the play and all. not an excuse, but...ok, it is an excuse. and not even a good one.

looks like i'll be doing the OWP this summer - seems everything is paid for, which is really what i wanted. not thrilled about losing most of my summer to it, but everyone says it's cake, so hopefully it won't be too bad. and i get to write, so maybe i can shake some of these ideas out of my head finally.

still thinking about vegas. i toyed briefly with turning it into a road trip, but with gas prices the way they are, it would be much cheaper to fly - though certainly not as much fun. need to figure out when i have to decide so i don't drag this out too long. an analogy keeps coming to mind - i occasionally retry food i decided i didn't like, just to see if my tastes have changed. maybe i should do the same with vegas. i'm a much different person than i was at almost 21 and, so i hear, so is vegas. hmm. decisions, decisions.

enough. need to get ready for visitors.

tunes: the hold steady - cattle and the creeping things

1 comment:

Chris said...

Great show Friday night, btw! I thoroughly enjoyed the mid-20th century twist on "Bill's" comedy. Definitely makes me want to visit the theater more.

How did it go Saturday night??

I'm coveting your hammock this afternoon!