Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

the day after

Don't worry. I won't torture you any more with long, third-person accounts. Not today anyway. I will give this brief epilogue to last night's...whatever it was. Warning: not for the weak of stomach.

Exhausted from battling with his demons, Thurman went to bed before 10:00, a rare event indeed. It didn't last long, however. Just before midnight, his stomach gently tugged on his consciousness like a small child needing to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He made his way to the medicine cabinet and popped a handful of antacid before trying to settle down and go back to sleep. After about an hour, he decided the antacid wasn't helping, so he got back up to head downstairs to get a little 7-Up to hopefully settle his stomach. But as he stood up, he coughed, which caused whatever was upsetting his stomach to come flying out of his mouth, all over his hand, his hardwood floor and the dirty clothes lying there. He spent the next half an hour cleaning up the mess and throwing the clothes into the washing machine. By this time, his adrenaline refused to allow him to fall back asleep, so he finished Pride and Prejudice and Zombies before finally drifting off to sleep around 2:30AM.

Contrary to what I wrote yesterday, that was the perfect ending to the perfect day.

Today was better - I at least was able to keep the thoughts at bay, which was somewhat remarkable given my lack of sleep. Probably helped that I felt like I was underwater most of the day - everything seemed distant and swirling. Thanks to those who sent along words of encouragement - they are always appreciated, though please don't get the idea I was fishing for such. I really do write to make sense of my life, not as a passive-aggressive way of getting compliments. At least, I don't think I do. Who knows what my unconscious is doing?

Anyway...exams are half over. Two more tomorrow, during which I hope to grade the essays from today's exams. If all goes well, I should have all the grades done before I leave tomorrow afternoon. I might even have them done before lunch. I am not used to this. I feel like I'm doing something wrong, that I'm forgetting something if I'm this far ahead. Maybe if I ignore it, it won't all come crashing down on top of my head. I'm even mostly ready for the beginning of the trimester next week. I better stop talking now before I jinx it.

Met with Greg and Nathan again today for lunch at the Chinese buffet (probably not the wisest of choices given my recent stomach issues, but other than feeling too queasy to eat dinner, I'm doing OK). We talked about movies and the upcoming Oscars. I even filled out a ballot, though I went with what I wanted to win, not what I thought would win. So what did I put? Here are the highlights:

Best Picture - Inglourious Basterds
Best Director - Quentin Tarantino
Best Actor - Jeff Bridges
Best Actress - Meryl Streep
Best Original Screenplay - Inglourious Basterds
Best Adapted Screenplay - Up in the Air (though I almost put In the Loop)

I get the feeling I'm going to be very, very disappointed on Sunday night.

Which reminds me, I need to make sure I tape the Independent Spirit Awards this weekend. Much better options.

Tomorrow night begins the final weekend of Beyond Therapy. It is also the Pomegranates vinyl release party at Southgate. Hopefully it doesn't sell out before I get there this time. Don't think there's much of a chance for that since it's in the ballroom, but it's been that kind of week.

Time to go watch The Office birth.

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