Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


10:08 PM and I most desperately want to be doing something else, but know I need to do this first. So we'll throw some words against the screen, see which ones stick, and then go do what I want to do. It will make it that much sweeter, right? I hope so.

For the uninitiated: I have a bit of a thing for Lauren Graham. I think I've gone as far as to call her my future wife, though since that sounds a bit on the stalkerish side, I've taken to referring to her as my Alternate Universe Wife ('cause, you know, that's far less creepy). When people ask me what I'm looking for in a woman, hers is the first picture that comes to mind. Of course, I've never actually met her (though I tried my darndest to last spring break) and from the hearsay of friends, I hear she's not nearly as interesting in real life as she is on the screen. But hey, it's my obsession (I prefer the word fascination) and I get to make up the rules. Honestly, I'm more interested in Lorelei Gilmore than Lauren Graham, but that could change I suppose. We'll see what Parenthood is like tonight. I know I'm dooming it to an early death by watching it, but I'm willing to take my chances. Here's hoping it works out.

What is it about her that I like? Physically, she has the characteristics I like - not waiflike, dark hair, eyes to get lost in. But it's more the intelligence she projects. Now that may simply be her character(s), but the ability to drop pop culture references and connect every day events to obscure facts is a turn on. Blame the geek in me. You know that Friends episode where they make up their "freebie" list? Yeah, she'd be at the top for me.

OK, before we permanently move into the creeper zone...

Finished the basic recording for our demo tonight at band rehearsal. We laid down Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive." Ironically, it's Jon Bon Jovi's birthday today. Appropriate, no? Thus ends my first recording experience. I have to say, not nearly as much fun as I thought it might be. Lots of sitting around while others record their parts. And playing along with headphones isn't nearly as much fun as practicing with the band. But it's a necessity if we want to play anywhere outside of John's basement. Be glad to get back to normal rehearsals next week and begin putting together a set. Been trying to think of songs we could play but there's a big difference between songs I want to play and songs our audiences would enjoy. I think you can find a balance, but if we want to play out, we need to think of audience first, our own tastes second. Feel free to offer suggestions if you have any.

Last teaching day tomorrow - not that I'm doing much teaching. We're watching To Kill a Mockingbird, looking for differences between it and the book. Also serves as a bit of a review for the book while giving me a chance to make sure I have all their grading done, though I rarely get as much done as I'd hoped. Too many distractions during the school day. I'm always a bit frustrated because I figure this would be something they would enjoy. But they tend to get distracted during the film. Guess I overestimate the attention spans of high schoolers. You'd think I'd get this by now.

Dangit - just remembered I'm supposed to bring in some snack/reward for one of my classes tomorrow. Was going to stop on the way home but, well, I forgot. Could run out now, but will probably wait until tomorrow morning on the way to school. No snooze for me tomorrow.

Walter Bruggemann is doing a special Lenten series at Redeemer on Wednesday nights during Lent (duh). Debating on whether I want to go over and listen or not. His book The Prophetic Imagination was significant during my seminary days. I guess he lives here in Cincinnati somewhere which for whatever reason seems odd to me. Of course, tomorrow might be my only chance to go depending on what the rehearsal schedule for The Wedding Singer is like. Will find that out on Sunday. Will probably keep the 'stache through the meet and greet, see if it's something that will fit in the show. Will not be keeping it until May, however; I know if I get creeped out looking at myself in the mirror, it must be worse for others. Excited to get started, though it will steal lots of my time here soon.

Wow. That's a horribly constructed paragraph. And how does one move from Walter Bruggemann to The Wedding Singer? It's a gift. Or a curse. Take your pick.

Five minutes before I can go watch Lauren again. *sigh*

I watched Oprah today. I'm not proud of the fact, but Roger Ebert was on and after reading the Esquire piece, I was curious to see what he had to "say." The voice technology using his actual voice was fascinating. I cannot imagine going through what he's going through, much less having such a positive outlook on life. Though I have to say, I hope his Oscar predictions don't come true. Sandra Bullock, best actress? The Hurt Locker best picture? I really think I'm going to hate the Oscars this year, no matter who wins. Not that this is anything new. I so rarely agree with the Academy any more. I'm not even excited about the screen writing awards this year, which is normally where I find my favorite films.

OK, time to turn on my DVR and watch Parenthood and hope it turns out well (and no, it didn't take me five minutes to write the above paragraph. I had a whole other paragraph started and then decided I wanted to talk about Ebert). Æ

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