Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

damn you, sweet tooth!

finishing off the last of the cookies i bought for game day at angie's. been a way north beach weekend - like arctic circle north. bad bad bad. ah well.

i should be grading. but i'm not. in. the. mood. not in the mood for much of anything, actually. will probably head off to sleep once i'm done typing my random thoughts here. profundity will not be present.

word for the weekend - uneventful. not a bad thing. just didn't do a whole lot. a highlight: game day at ang's. good times, though we never did finish a game, but we started several. finally got to play the star wars lego game on xbox. must find a PC version if it exists. better than the movies (the newer ones anyway). and combining my two childhood loves? priceless.

tonight was the first advent service of the season and the first service in st. e's since we were officially given the thumbs up by the city fire department. great to be back in the space. i was "in charge" of the service, and i did my "darkness" monologue. i was a bit concerned about sound, but i guess my mouth's big enough to fill the sanctuary. memorization failed me, but i think God got the message through anyway. made me excited for the weekly meetings coming up in january. can't wait to see what God has planned.

curious: am i the only person that sometiems spends entire days on the verge of tears? i mean, if you asked me how i felt, i'd tell you tired, but pretty happy and optimistic. yet i feel like i could burst into tears at any moment. weird. yeah, yeah, i know - therapy. sorry, not right now. plus, blogging is much, much cheaper.

going to bed early tonight. tomorrow's going to be rough - hard to go back after five days off. here's hoping my patience is stronger than my students ability to annoy me.

see, no profundity.
Tunes: tom waits - silent night


Aaron said...

great job facilitating the service tonight thurman. your presence was full and attentive, concise and consistent.... just right for the time and gathering. monolog went great too.... you got the "darkness" theme home very effectively!

and no, you are not the only one who spends whole days on the verge of tears - i do too. in fact i did last week or so. no reason why... just was.

Aaron said...
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