Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Monday, November 28, 2005

it's coming

no, not christmas. the cold working its way up from the depths of my throat. i figure it will take over by wednesday night, maybe thursday morning. already annoying to swallow. just what i need.

not a bad monday, especially considering it was the first one after break. students were still a bit out of it, probably since most were still mostly asleep (or had a tryptophan hangover). can't say i was in much better shape - rolling out of bed was SO difficult. but i did it. barely.

arctic beach week continued tonight - pizza with the girls at gina's, and then some yahtzee. i suck at dice games. chance is not my friend.

wow, so not here tonight. should just go to bed. steelers are playing and of course i'm not watching. figure i won't have to watch it tomorrow either - get the feeling they're not going to do well tonight. but who knows - they've surprised me before. too many traumatic moments in my years of fandom to get my hopes up.

i was going to write about waiting, but i think it will have to wait some more. maybe that's my point - i'll just keep saying i'll write about waiting, as an exercise in waiting. not that any of you probably are....

done and done. must get away from here. not in a good space to be sharing at the moment. perhaps tomorrow.
Tunes: shane mcgowan and the popes - christmas lullaby

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