Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Monday, August 28, 2006

and so it begins

alarm rattled me awake about 13 minutes ago. and i try to retrain my body to wake up at the ungodly hour of 5:00am. seriously. why must the world be run by morning people? so jealous of my friend candice - her school isn't starting until 9:00am this year. here's hoping it makes her school improve so other places will begin doing so - places like mason.

i'm not going to hold my breath.

rain thunders outside and the lightning jumps up and i get the feeling this is going to be a theme for this week. judging from the three thunderclouds at the top of my browser, i may have to change some of my plans for the week. i'm taking lorelai in to get her fixed up. had thought to try and go without a car, ride my bike where i needed to go, but if it's going to be raining like this, i may have to bite the bullet and rent whatever they can give me for a measly $16 a day. guess i'll see what my options are. i wonder if the rain will keep the arborist from coming out tomorrow. can't imagine they'd do much work in the rain. ah well, as long as it gets done sometime. and i guess this trumps my hopes to hit KI this week too.

i gave the homily at our weekly gathering yesterday. it is exhausting for me. took me most of the afternoon to gather some sense of normalcy and i felt out of it for most of the night. i was even ready to go to bed at 10:30 last night. i probably make too much of it, but "preaching" has never been one of my favorite things. the responsibility overwhelms me. i'm bringing THE WORD OF GOD. little intimidating. and i know He's in control of all that and i'm just His instrument, but it still scares me. i know they recorded it - if they post it, i'll provide the link if you want to hear.

finally transferred all my computer's mp3s to rory. now i have less than one gig left (of the forty it holds). which means i'm going to have to start weeding through what's there as i add music. not good. will probably begin by taking out my musical soundtracks. would like to rerip some of the songs - the emusic stuff ripped at a higher bit rate than i usually use, so they take up more room. i hope there's an easier way to do it than burning them to cd and reripping them. will see.

ok, time to go kill more time before morning prayers. going to miss going to them starting next week. but glad i had the chance to participate over the summer.

Tunes: triumph - cool down

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