Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Friday, August 04, 2006

i know, i'm going to bed, leave me alone

just got back from ally's going away soiree at the grill formerly known as hamburger mary's. sad to see her go, though she did meet the one requirement for friends that move away - going somewhere i might want to visit someday. went after our truncated final dress for midsummer. lovely time for a rain storm. and always right before the play within a play. ah well, probably good for my voice i didn't have to do it. it's a bit on the puny side at the moment - nothing worrisome, just haven't been kind to it this week. personally, tonight's rehearsal was infinitely better than last night's suckfest. wow. amazing what lack of sleep will do to your ability to focus and remember your lines. we are so ready for this show. we had a bit of an audience tonight, which helped a lot because we've kind of forgotten where the funny bits are. good to have that feedback.

the nap this afternoon helped my performance tonight, but not sure it's going to do much for my going to bed tonight. i was good at mary's and drank only water and have avoided caffeine all day. just need to keep doing that for the run of the show.

please, come see it. it's free (donations accepted, of course) and it's fun to see shakespeare outside.

ok, enough begging.

my trip to half price was only partially successful. i didn't find anything to read, but i did pick up one of my favorite emma thompson movies - dead again - for $5. score! also picked up the book of questions to help when i get stuck for journal entries. and i've been thinking perhaps i might go through the book and post my answers to the questions. ideally, it's best to do this in a groups setting, so if you're feeling game (not gamey - that would be me after the play), feel free to play along. won't do it every day and it won't be the only thing i do, but hopefully it might help me be a bit more consistent.

we shall see.

amusing moment from wednesday night's daily show - i guess an arabic interpreter was discharged from the army under the "don't ask/don't tell" policy. his superiors received some anonymous e-mails, so they questioned him. the two questions they asked? do you have any gay acquaintances? and - wait for it - have you done any community theater?

looks like i won't be enlisting any time soon....

bedtime. we open in nineteen hours. woohoo!

Tunes: indigo girls - closer to fine


Anonymous said...

My song! Great movie, too--going to have to put in the Netflix queue. Good luck tonight!!! Have supreme amounts of not to sweaty fun!!! XO

Matt said...

Break another leg! Was very nice seeing you on Thurs.