Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Monday, August 07, 2006

lorelai's broke

so we're sitting in claddagh last night, celebrating a successful first weekend. suddenly, one of the staff appears in our little room and there's a bit of confusion. i hear the word car and the word silver. i know immediately i'm screwed. once we finally get everyone quiet enough to hear, he says it's a silver honda. i feel a sense of relief. then he says involved with a silver mazda. *sigh* i knew it. so we spill out into the parking lot and sure enough, there's lorelai, bumper to bumper with dawn's (one of the fairies) silver honda accord. obviously lorelai was feeling a bit neglected and wanted to meet one of the other pretty cars in the parking lot.

i'm not completely sure what happened. the parking brake was engaged when i got back in the car, but there was a slight incline to the parking space, so perhaps i didn't engage it enough. regardless, lorelai has hefty dent in her driver's side rear bumper. luckily, the damage to dawn's car was minor, probably buffable (i hope!). there's at least $500 out the window. may have to rethink my van in a van plans. i'm sure this will all be funny some day - oh, what am i saying, it's funny now, in a painful kind of way. it'll just get funnier later.

brent and i are off to KI today - going to be a hot one, so we're going to wait until after lunch then head off to spend the rest of the day. be good to go, though i won't be able to scream on the coasters, which is half the fun. voice is still shot. did discover that while throat coat does wonders for my singing voice, it does nothing for my speaking voice. hopefully a few days rest will help it get back to where it needs to be.

geesh, glad i wasn't in a serious accident and needed my insurance agent to call me back. though maybe he doesn't come in until 10:00. be nice to stop by on the way to KI, since he's right there. we'll see what happens.

better go be a better host. bye.

1 comment:

stinkowoman said...

I can't believe I didn't get to KI this summer at all... glad Brent could get out of the house to go with you!