Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

reasons why I should keep a calendar, #546

There it was, Thursday afternoon, and I'd just returned from my lunch catching up with Bea, looking forward to a little time before I had to run down to Dr. Crafton's office for my follow up appointment. I checked my email, as I always do, and found one from Ted at Falcon Theatre. They're producing The Boys Next Door this fall and hadn't cast all their roles during the first round of auditions and were having a second round that night and wanted to know if I was interested. Now I had heard they were doing Boys while doing The House of Blue Leaves, but didn't see any audition information until right before they occured - and they were happening the day I was having my surgery, so I wrote them off. So I emailed Ted, asked him when auditions were and made plans to go down, see what would happen.

Unfortunately, my doctor's appointment ran late (4:30 appointment - in to see the doctor at 5:40, out around 6:00), which left me no time to prepare or change clothes like I had hoped. So I headed down to Monmouth and waited for auditions to begin. Only a handful of men were there, some who probably had already been cast, others called in to fill the remaining roles. I knew a little bit about the play, but not much and looking at the script it looked like a great time would be had by all involved. Ted had mentioned they were still looking for a Norman, which is the role I came in to read for (we'll save psychological barriers to auditioning for the "fat guy" role for some other time). I didn't nail the audition, but felt pretty good about it, considering the late notice and the lack of prep time, and knew I had a good chance of getting the part.

Since I'm rarely in Newport (and I had been cleared by my doctor to eat anything again), I decided to grab a steak hoagie. While I waited, I called the 'rents - dad had been released from the hospital and was home. While we chatted about his recovery and such, I told them about the auditions and as we talked, it finally struck me - the show would go up weekends in October, 10-25. The back of my brain began to tingle...something was going on then. And I then realized what it was - Grandma Allen's 80th birthday party would take place on closing night. Devastation. I'd just done something I despise - auditioning for a role I could not play. I thought about contacting the director that night, but realized I had no contact information for him. I suppose I could have emailed Ted, but no guarantee I'd catch him before the director called me.

So I decided to think about it overnight, hoping beyond hope I'd find some solution, but knowing I was just going to have to tell him I couldn't do it when he called. Having directed before, I know how hard casting is and how frustrating it is when you think you have everything figured out only to have it come tumbling down. But better now, at the beginning, than once rehearsals started. Was tough talking to him, my guilt in overdrive, but I explained the situation and apologized profusely. I know I can justify all this - last minute notice about auditions, family obligations, etc. - but I still feel bad. Leaves them in a bind and me looking unprofessional.

The moral of the story: I need a calendar. That I use.

Off to see X-Files this afternoon with Julie. Reviews have been less than glowing, but it will be good to see Mulder and Scully again. We're driving to Florence since they're the only theater still showing matinées. A little more nostalgia for my summer - will remind me of Sunday evenings in Lansing when we'd watch new episodes, what, ten years ago now.

I need to stop having thoughts like this - makes denial much harder.

Off to see King's X/Extreme tomorrow. Sounds like we may have a good crowd, though I've yet to hear from my out-of-towners - looks like I might need to make a phone call find out what's going on. Then Monday I'm off to Canton/Stow/Kent/Cuyahoga Falls to see the gang and participate in the first of several interviews for someone's masters (doctoral?) thesis. We'll see how it goes. Then it's time to start thinking about the "S" word again. Bleah. Not quite there mentally yet. Better come soon - only a week left. Æ

Now playing: Rhett Miller - Meteor Shower
via FoxyTunes

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