Reading this blog has made people want to kill themselves, so if you are easily depressed, perhaps you should find something more uplifting to do, like watch a Holocaust documentary or read a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

23 Aug 6:40 PM

I must have been quite the sight on my walk this afternoon with a baby-blue hand towel draped over my head to keep the sun from scorching my oh-so-ready-to-burn skin. But it was good to walk and listen. I’ve always done my best praying on the move – walking, bike riding, driving. The motion focuses me in a way sitting, kneeling or standing does not. I’d like to find a path through my neighborhood, to walk my prayers when I get home. Then I’ll need only to set aside the time.

I feel it could be an early night tonight – Compline, up the hill to watch the sunset, then to bed to sleep, perchance to dream. The plan is Vigils tomorrow, the Lauds and Mass, break my fast (if I haven’t already – the kitchen is open all the time), Terce, Brother Christian’s talk, then home again, home again jiggity jig jig. Should get me back to Cincy between noon and one, where I know my overgrown lawn awaits. Will probably run to Lowe’s first, to get a nut for my loose lawnmower wheel and stuff to hang my graciously donated hammock. Hopefully the lovely people at Lowe’s will help me figure out what I need.

Can you tell I am brain dead? My head aches from fasting and I find it hard to focus. I may not even write more after this. We’ll see how I feel.

The milk they serve in the dining room must be the same they use to make their cheese – same distinctive after taste.

When I start writing about after taste, it’s time for me to stop writing. Æ

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